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  • Content

    The content is identical to the programs, we run at the university eMBA classes. n.

Introduction to the content

Whats inside

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Module 1

    2. The 4 essential findings

    3. Are You Unconsciously incompetent

    4. Unconsciously Incompetent - Just Like a Monkey

    5. The unutilized potential

    6. What is a Negotiation Strategy?

    7. Negotiation Strategy

    8. Trust in Negotiation

    9. Moral Competence Index test and Score Card

    10. Are you unconsciously incompetent PDF?

    11. Negotiation Strategy - why progress is based on your choice of strategy

    12. The unutilized potential

    13. Tru$tCurrency in Negotiation – the marriage between trust and economics

    14. Quiz module 1

    1. Welcome to module 2

    2. NegoEconomics

    3. Detailed Presentation of NegoEconomics

    4. NegoEconomics described even more in detail

    5. NegoEconomics in real life - a client case - BLUEKOLDING

    6. BlueTender from BlueKolding - how to go about the NegoEconomics Strategy

    7. SMARTnership - a winning strategy

    8. BlueTender - BlueKolding

    9. Detailed presentation of NegoEconomics

    10. NegoEconomics – where the 42% “free” value comes from SMARTnerships – the REAL potential in collaboration

    11. SMARTnerships – the REAL potential in collaboration

    12. The 10 phases You must recognize Negotiation Strategy – why your progress is based on your choice if strategy

    13. Quiz module 2

    1. Welcome to module 3

    2. Module 3 - Not preparing is

    3. No preparing is the same as preparing a failure part 1

    4. Not preparing is the same as preparing a failure part 2

    5. Module 3 - Not preparing is

    6. Online negotiations - a world of its own

    7. Negotiation Audit

    8. Goals

    9. Checklist for success

    10. Code-of-conduct

    11. Be aware of - check list for preparation

    12. Strategy Assessment Matrix - SAM Model - identify your strategy

    13. Quiz module 3

    1. Welcome to module 4

    2. Introduction to the five different negotiation styles

    3. Introduction to the 5 different negotiations styles

    4. Combative Negotiation Style

    5. Delaying Tactics Style

    6. Concession

    7. Smartnership Negotiation Style

    8. Conclusion on Negotiation Styles

    9. Dividing the 10 oranges

    10. SMARTnership Negotiation Style

    11. Combative negotiator

    12. Concession Negotiation Style

    13. Conclusion on Negotiation Styles

    14. Delaying and compromise Negotiation Style

    15. Dividing the 10 oranges

    16. Quiz module 4

    1. Welcome to module 5

    2. Behavioral Economics and Stress

    3. Negotiation and Culture

    4. Behavioral Economics and Stress Part 1

    5. Behavioral Economics and Stress Part 2

    6. Behavioral Economics and Stress Part 3

    7. Negotiation and Culture

    8. Quiz module 5

About this course

  • $395.00
  • 76 lessons
  • 6.5 hours of video content

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